cbxClearMostlyUsed_Caption=Remove Hide Folders XP from the mostly used programs list
cbxUseShellExt_Caption=Add command into Windows Explorer context menu
tsWipeTracks_Caption=Wipe tracks
gbWipeTracksOptions_Caption=Wipe tracks options
cbxWipeTracksOnMin_Caption=Wipe tracks when minimizing to tray
cbxWipeTracksOnQuit_Caption=Wipe tracks on quit
lblWipeTracks_Caption=Wipe tracks
cbxWipeTracksAtStartup_Caption=Wipe tracks at startup
cbxAutoUpdateFlag_Caption=Do not display warning message before connecting the Internet
cbxPollUpdates_Caption=Automatically poll for updates
Label8_Caption=Polling interval (in days)
Label9_Caption=Last poll
lbProtectionDisabledAction_Caption=If protection is disabled on quit
lblMinNoInput_Caption=minutes of inactivity
cbxHideWhenNoInput_Caption=Enable protection after
cbxDisableOnStart_Caption=Disable protection when Hide Folders XP popups
cbxHideFromTM_Caption=Hide process from Task Manager
cbxShellHide_Caption=Add command "Hide with Hide Folders XP"
cbxShellHideAndLock_Caption=Add command "Hide and lock with Hide Folders XP"
cbxShellLock_Caption=Add command "Lock with Hide Folders XP"
gbIntegration_Caption=Integrate into Windows Explorer context menu
; Password window messages
RequireLabel_Caption=Hide Folders XP requires a user authentication.
EnterPasswordLabel_Caption=Please enter the password here
; Set password window messages
EnterLabel_Caption=Enter a password to protect your hidden folders.
PasswordLabel_Caption=Enter new password
ConfirmLabel_Caption=Confirm new password
; Registration window messages
NameLabel_Caption=Enter your name
CodeLabel_Caption=Enter your code
; About window messages
RegisteredToLabel_Caption=Registered to:
HowToRegisterLabel_Caption=Order now!
EnterCodeLabel_Caption=Enter the registration code
ReadLicenseLabel_Caption=Using this software indicates acceptance of the license agreement
lblTitle_Caption=You are trying to add a shortcut!
lblShortcut_Caption=Shortcut file:
lblTarget_Caption=Target file or folder:
gbObjectSelect_Caption=What object do you want to add to the list?
rbShortCut_Caption=Shortcut file
rbTarget_Caption=Target file or folder
rbBoth_Caption=Both, shortcut and target
; Multi-line fields
; Program Tips
Tip0=Doubleclick on a folder in the list opens this folder.
Tip1=Manual removing of Hide Folders XP application folder will not disclose hidden folders.
Tip2=The folders you hide or lock with Hide Folders XP are not accessible both locally and from the network.
Tip3=To clear Hide Folders XP password just specify blank password as a new password.
Tip4=You should disable folders and files protection when you run your anti-virus scanner.
Tip5=You may force Hide Folders XP to enable protection when a screen saver starts (see Advanced Settings).
Tip6=You may hide uninstall information from Add/Remove Programs Control Panel applet (see Advanced Settings).
Tip7=Always uninstall Hide Folders XP before reinstalling your operation system.
Tip8=You may just drag in the folders you wish to hide and they will appear in the list.
Tip9=You should disable folders and files protection before doing any disk administrative task (e.g. disk defragmentation, disk checking, disk partitioning).
Tip10=If the program quits slowly you can clear your Recent Documents folder and empty your Recycle Bin.
Tip11=Hidden or locked folders are inaccessible for all users and for all applications on your computer.
Tip12=You may put a password for Hide Folders XP uninstall program (see General Settings).
Item0=Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law
Item1=and international treaties as well as other intellectual property